Teaching With Collections
Primary sources prove critical to learning across disciplines.
Classes from across a range of disciplines regularly visit Special Collections during the school year to view objects, tour exhibitions, and pursue innovative research assignments.
Several faculty members from Bryn Mawr and Bi-Co programs share their perspectives on the value of incorporating primary source materials from Special Collections into their courses and assignments.
Faculty and Courses Featured
Alessandro Giammei: Rome as Palimpsests
Monique Scott: Museum Studies Praxis Seminar
Alessandro Bianchi: Japanese History and Culture
Alicia Walker: Textiles in Context
Stephen Vider: Modern U.S. Public History
Jessica Linker: The History of the Book with Digital Methods
Astrid Lindenlauf: Archaeological Fieldwork and Methods
Support for Learning
The Friends of the Bryn Mawr College Libraries provides critical support for internships, exhibitions, programs, and special projects. To learn more and become a member, see the Friends website.
Published on: 09/30/2019