Inauguration 2024

Inauguration Ceremony

Watch a recording of the ceremony below!

Saturday, October 26
11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Merion Green

Inauguration Program   Prepared Remarks   Post-Ceremony Block Party

Join us this Weekend!

The second annual Owls Fest combines Homecoming, Volunteer Summit, and Family & Friends Weekend. As an added bonus, this year it includes the inauguration of Bryn Mawr's 10th president, Wendy Cadge!

Owls Fest and Inauguration Header - Mark Only
Wendy Bulleting Feature Large
Wendy Cadge
“The liberal arts are about engaging with people at a pivotal developmental time and helping them learn for themselves what it means to be who they are and how they want to move through the world.”

Leading Through the Years: A Historical Timeline of Bryn Mawr Presidents

Read select excerpts from the inaugural addresses of Bryn Mawr's previous presidents.


Connect on Social Media

Share how you're celebrating Owls Fest & Inauguration using the "Add Yours" sticker on our Instagram and Facebook Stories or tag @BrynMawrCollege.

Owls Fest & Inauguration Weekend Oct. 25 & 26

Owls Fest - Lunch on Your Own v2

Media Inquiries

For statements, interviews, or additional information, please contact Grace Hanlon.

Phone: 215-622-5025