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The Joys of Microsoft OneNote

December 14, 2016 Helen Chang
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I have been an avid user of OneNote for a couple of years now, but have just learned a few new tricks thanks to a webinar Microsoft hosted. OneNote is a note-taking software at its core, but in reality can do so much more! 

OneNote Meeting Details tool 

Since we at Bryn Mawr College are using the version of OneNote that is part of the Office 365 package, there are a lot of beneficial integration options. One is including meeting details in your notebook directly from your Outlook calendar!

Record audio tool

OneNote also allows you to insert voice-recordings into your notebook. Simply click on  "Record Audio" from the Insert drop-down menu and OneNote will use your microphone in your laptop or any attached microphone device.

OneNote is so much more than an online notebook -- it is a collaboration tool, a task-list, and an invaluable organizational tool for your productivity toolbelt. Try it out today from either the Desktop version on your work computer or access the Online version from the "waffle" menu in the upper left-hand corner when you're logged into your Bryn Mawr email.