Post-graduation plans: Developer evangelist at Twilio, San Francisco, Ca.
Lizzie on her Bryn Mawr experience: “Being at Bryn Mawr has empowered me to step outside my comfort zones, turning me into a STEM person. I've met so many hardworking, dedicated, and persistent individuals who've inspired me to work harder, learn more, and also to ask more questions. I'm grateful for the amazing community of students, professors, and staff for their endless support.”
Major: Computer Science
Key Bryn Mawr experiences:
- Tennis (all-Centennial Conference singles, player of the week)
- Canaday Library shelver, CS110+CS206 teaching assistant, Banter Blogger
- Table Tennis team made Nationals this year! (NCTTAs)
- Spoke at ForwardJS web development conference in San Francisco
- Traveled to SF, Berkeley, D.C,. New York, New Jersey, and Boston for tech events
- Developer Evangelist internships at PubNub, Twilio; iOS developer internship at Vea Fitness
Hometown: San Mateo, California.
Members of the Class of 2018, we want to know what you've got planned for life after Bryn Mawr! Drop us a note at news@brynmawr.edu. You can include a photo of yourself or let us know if you'd like to have a photo taken. We'll be sharing selected profiles on the College's website and social media channels in the weeks leading up to Commencement.