Name: Maria Bohan
Major: Department of Literatures in English
Minor: Education
Hometown: Pearl River, NY
Post-graduation plans: Attending the University at Buffalo (SUNY)’s school librarian master’s program.
People you want to thank: My wonderful friends for reminding to have fun, all of the professors in the Education department for helping me grow as a person and future educator, and my family for always being there.
Key Bryn Mawr Experiences:
- Co-founding the BMC Miniworld crafting club.
- Working in Canaday Library.
- Being a student partner in the Teaching and Learning Institute.
- Living in Brecon, where I met my closest friends!
Members of the Class of 2021, we want to hear from you! Drop us a note at news@brynmawr.edu. Include a photo of yourself and let us know what you have planned for life after Bryn Mawr, who you'd like to thank, words of wisdom, or whatever else you'd like to say. We'll be sharing selected profiles on the College's website and social media channels over the next few weeks.