Museum Studies Stories

Annalise Ashman '24
“I knew that something I wanted in a community was to feel part of something bigger than myself, and that’s here at Bryn Mawr.”

New Year, New Perspectives: Helen Christ '24
"Don’t forget that Bryn Mawr is located in a unique place where you can explore new things and widen your horizons in ways you may not expect."

360°: Minerals, Museums, and Western Colonialism
This 360 will examine that question in the context of Bryn Mawr College’s mineral collection: more than 40,000 specimens, most of which were sampled in the mid- to late-19th century.

360°: Paradigms of Revival
In a fundamentally decolonial spirit, this course cluster examines the ways colonialism has contained, collected, captured, and commodified Blackness, a practice that circulates objectified images of the peoples, cultures, and cultural objects of Africa and the African Diaspora.

360°: Biennials and Conservation
Students in this 360° will engage a deeper history of Contemporary Art—one that considers the ways in which an artwork's exhibition and its care structure its meaning in complex ways.

360°: Exhibiting Modern Art
This 360° will consider differences in addressing academy and community as audiences, and bring together theoretical and practical aspects of art history, art criticism, art exhibition, and art education.

360°: Mirroring the Self
Participants will study the history and theories of self-portraiture, self-representation, and self-fashioning in cultures around the globe from antiquity to the present.