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Summer Stories: Emma Gross '25

Hometown: Ottsville, PA
"Bryn Mawr has taught me not just information in my classes, but also how to talk about it and apply what I’m learning outside the classroom."

"Bryn Mawr has taught me not just information in my classes, but also how to talk about it and apply what I’m learning outside the classroom."

Emma directs the Bryn Mawr College Night Owls Acapella Group, she is also involved with Craft Collective and is a tour guide with the Office of Admissions. This summer, the International Studies Major and Political Science Minor will be working with survivors of human trafficking and domestic violence at the Nationalities Service Center (NSC) in Philadelphia’s Department of Survivor Services.

What will your work with NSC involve?

I will be a Case Management Aid, helping survivors connect with different kinds of social and legal resources to best help their adjustment to Philadelphia. I’ll help make sure that they have the resources they need and help facilitate trauma processing groups.

How did you find this internship?

I worked at a law firm last summer and I wanted to explore careers beyond the legal sphere and learn more about social services, so Bryn Mawr’s Career and Civic Engagement Center pointed me in the direction of this internship. Students from Bryn Mawr have interned there in past summers and loved it.  The staff at the Career and Civic Engagement Center is awesome–they helped me with my resume and with any applications that required cover letters.

How do you feel that Bryn Mawr has prepared you for this experience?

Bryn Mawr has taught me not just information in my classes, but also how to talk about it and apply what I’m learning outside the classroom. I’ve learned to think critically and on my feet!

For example, I took a class at Haverford about transitional justice and I learned about how achieving justice is a holistic process that includes connecting people with social services, counseling services, and healthcare services.  I also took a “Politics of Protest” class at Bryn Mawr that really opened my eyes to different kinds of global conflict. I didn’t realize how many career options there were until I got to Bryn Mawr and learned that I can do conflict and peace mediation as a job.

What are you most excited to do in this internship?

I’m looking forward to working with people and getting to know them and learning their stories. I’ll learn about their experiences and become more aware of what’s going on in the world around me and learn how to facilitate a processing group.

Emma also plans to enjoy exploring Philadelphia this summer, “I’m taking some dance classes in Philly and going hiking at some nearby parks with friends. I’m also just really looking forward to having some down time to just chill out and enjoy the summer weather.”

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