Course Info


Campus Bryn Mawr
Semester Spring 2023
Registration ID HARTB110001
Course Title Into Medieval Art/Arch
Credit 1.00
Department History of Art
Instructor Streiter,Nava
Time and Days TTh 09:55am-11:15am
Additional Course Info Class Number: 2278 This course takes a broad geographic and chronological scope, allowing for full exposure to the rich variety of objects and monuments that fall under the rubric of “medieval” art and architecture. We focus on the Latin and Byzantine Christian traditions, but also consider works of art and architecture from the Islamic and Jewish spheres. Topics to be discussed include: the role of religion in artistic development and expression; secular traditions of medieval art and culture; facture and materiality in the art of the middle ages; the use of objects and monuments to convey political power and social prestige; gender dynamics in medieval visual culture; and the contribution of medieval art and architecture to later artistic traditions. This course was formerly numbered HART B212; students who previously completed HART B212 may not repeat this course. Approach: Critical Interpretation (CI), Inquiry into the Past (IP); Haverford: Humanities (HU) ( ) Enrollment Cap: 25; If the course exceeds the enrollment cap the following criteria will be used for the lottery: HART majors/minors, senior then junior
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