Recruiting Program

What is the Recruiting Program?

The Recruiting Program brings hiring organizations to campus to recruit Bryn Mawr students. You can interview for entry-level jobs and summer internships, as well as attend employer-hosted events. The Recruiting Program is managed through our online recruiting system called Handshake. Some key benefits:

  • Find jobs and internships specifically for Bryn Mawr students
  • Conveniently interview on campus (at BMC, HC, or Swat)
  • Meet Bryn Mawr alumnae/i and hiring representatives

How do I get started?

  1. Login to Handshake to familiarize yourself with where to find postings and recruiting events.
  2. Update your Handshake profile with your preferred career interests to receive targeted emails.
  3. Prepare your resume and cover letter. Schedule a mock interview before your first interview.
  4. Explore the Recruiting Program opportunities below.

Contact Us

The Career & Civic Engagement Center

Phone: 610-526-5174