Iuri Moscardi

Areas of Focus
Iuri's primary area of specialization is Contemporary Italian Literature. He has analyzed various aspects of the intellectual work of Cesare Pavese, particularly his translations of American and British authors. In addition to Pavese, he has explored the intellectual and literary context of 1930s Italy, where numerous intellectuals were drawn to American culture and literature.
Pronouns: he/him · lui/lo
Iuri Moscardi received his PhD in Comparative Literature (Italian Specialization) from the Graduate Center, CUNY, in New York City. His dissertation, titled “Twitteratura: Digital Social Reading and Active Reception of Literary Texts in the Context of Italian Contemporary Literature,” analyzed Digital Social Reading projects conducted on Twitter using the twitteratura methodology. This approach allowed readers to comment innovatively on canonical authors of Italian literature, including Cesare Pavese, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Italo Calvino, and Natalia Ginzburg. For this study, he focused on Digital Humanities, the reader-response theory developed by Wolfgang Iser, and Italian Contemporary Literature. Previously, he graduated from the University of Milan with a thesis on Cesare Pavese’s role in the first Italian translation of Edgar Lee Masters’s Spoon River Anthology. This thesis earned him the Premio Pavese 2012. He also received a Master’s degree in Italian from Indiana University (2016).
Selected publications
Edited Books:
- (Forthcoming) Pavese, Cesare. The Craft of Living: Journals, 1935–1950. Edited, introduced, and annotated by Iuri Moscardi. New translation by Julian Sachs. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (The Lorenzo Da Ponte Italian Library).
- Moscardi, Iuri (Ed.). Cesare Pavese: Mythographer, Translator, Modernist. A Collection of Studies 70 Years After His Death. Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press, 2023.
Book Chapters:
- (Forthcoming) "Vincenzo Frungillo: Poetry and Action." In Ballerini, L., & Cavatorta, B. (Eds.), Those Who from Afar Look Like Flies, Volume II. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (The Lorenzo Da Ponte Italian Library).
- "The Solemn Simplicity of Zucchi’s Civic Poetry." In Ballerini, L., & Cavatorta, B. (Eds.), Those Who from Afar Look Like Flies, Volume II. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (The Lorenzo Da Ponte Italian Library).
- "Interview with Nanni Cagnone." In Ballerini, L., & Cavatorta, B. (Eds.), Those Who from Afar Look Like Flies, Volume II. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (The Lorenzo Da Ponte Italian Library).
- "Interview with Milli Graffi." In Ballerini, L., & Cavatorta, B. (Eds.), Those Who from Afar Look Like Flies, Volume II. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (The Lorenzo Da Ponte Italian Library).
- "Pavese, Pivano e Spoon River: storia di una traduzione." In Catalfamo, A. (Ed.), Cesare Pavese al tempo del Coronavirus. Napoli, Italy: Guida, I Quaderni del Cepam 20, 2021: 193–208.
- "In territorio nemico: Redefining Realism and Literary Tradition." In Cavatorta, B., & Santini, F. (Eds.), Deconstructing the Model in 20th and 21st-Century Italian Experimental Writings. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019: 154–170.
- “Note di traduzione: Cesare Pavese e i libri del fondo Molina.” Italica, 100(1), Fall 2023, 22–51.
- “Cesare Pavese e la twitteratura: temi e motivi di un grande autore che rivivono.” Chroniques italiennes, 45, série web (2/2023), 151–168.
- “Tavola rotonda: Pavese oggi. Bilanci e prospettive attorno ad alcune recenti edizioni e traduzioni.” Co-authored with Christian Del Vento, Marie Fabre, and Gabriele Pedullà. Chroniques italiennes, 45, série web (2/2023), 169–204.
- “The Re-appearing Pheasant: An Encounter of American and Italian Poets and Critics. Intervista a Luigi Ballerini.” Italian Poetry Review, 17, 2022, 277–286.
- “Pavese senza collina: Assenza del mito e incompiutezza estetica.” Ticontre: Teoria Testo Traduzione, 15, July 2021.
- “Betwyll: Social Reading per la Didattica dell’Italiano in Nord America.” América Crítica, 4(2), 2020, 123–130.
- “#TwSposi: Un matrimonio che s’ha da fare.” Revue des Études Italiennes, 4(1–4), 2018, 183–192.
- “Spoon River: Una traduzione a quattro mani.” Letteratura e Letterature, 7, 2013, 59–68.
Book Reviews:
- Patti, E. (2022). Opera aperta: Italian Electronic Literature from the 1960s to the Present. Peter Lang: Oxford, UK. Reviewed in Italica, 100(4), Winter 2023, 623–625.
- D’Eugenio, D., Gelmi, A., & Marcucci, D. (Eds.). (2021). Italia, Italie: Studi in onore di Hermann W. Haller. Mimesis: Milano. Reviewed in Forum Italicum, 56(3), November 2022, 418–420.
- Perolino, U. (Ed.). (2021). Il remo di Ulisse: Saggi sulla poesia e la poetica di Luigi Ballerini. Venezia: Marsilio. Reviewed in L’immaginazione, 327, January–February 2022, 55–56.
- Benvenuti, G. (2018). Il brand Gomorra: Dal romanzo alla serie TV. Bologna: Il Mulino. Reviewed in Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies, 8(3), June 2020, 455–458.
- Comparini, A. (2017). La poetica dei Dialoghi con Leucò di Cesare Pavese. Sesto San Giovanni: Mimesis. Reviewed in Giornale Storico della Letteratura Italiana, CXCV, 652, 4th Quarter 2018, 618–621.
- Masters, E. L. (2016). Antologia di Spoon River. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Luigi Ballerini. Milano: Mondadori. Reviewed in Journal of Italian Translation, XI(2), Fall 2016, 436–444.