Academic Requirements

  • Log onto BiONiC.
  • Click the Academic Records tile or use the search function located in the top right of the Home page and type Academic Requirements.

Step 1

Review the list of Requirements to be completed before the end of the sophomore year. The text boxes can be used to describe your plan to complete these Requirements before graduation if they are not yet complete.

Step 2

Take stock of your progress towards earning 32 units of academic credit by your intended graduation date.  If you are not on track, use the comments area to lay out your plans to catch up.

Step 3

Before your senior year begins, you must complete the two-course Foreign Language Requirement, the Quantitative /Mathematical Reasoning Requirement, and the four Approaches (CI, CC, IP, SI).

Please note that:

  • No course may count towards more than one requirement.
  • The four Approaches must be spread over four different departments. If a course is cross-listed in two departments, you may categorize it as either department. 
  • Only one Approach may be satisfied by a course that also counts towards your major.