African Museum, Philadelphia

Risorse di settore

Teach Yourself Italian, by American Pulitzer prize Jhumpa Lahiri

Internship and Scholarship Opportunities

Students in the Transnational Italian Studies Department have held internships that allow them to live in Italy and gain valuable work experience. Current opportunities include:

Italian past courses Spring 2021 (Giammei, Benetollo, Bozzato, Ricci)

Italian past courses Fall 2020 (Giammei, Benetollo, Bozzato, Ricci)

What is Comparative Literature?

Comments by alumnae/i

  • Laura Silla on the SITE program (video about her experience with the SITE Program), now MD
  • Allegra Flechter on the SITE program:  "After graduation, I spent two incredible years of my life in Milan, in northern Italy, with the SITE Program. Once past the initial culture shock and homesickness, I found myself right at home in this simultaneously busy and laid-back city. I had to decide to push past my comfort zone in many areas, and the resulting personal growth was more than worth it. Italy takes a combination of diligent preparation and winging it, and you have to be okay with things not going as planned. I became a natural at lazy strolls, ice-cream in hand of course, marveling again and again at the incredible architecture and landscaping around me. I met friends who have become family, I tried incredible cuisine, I am now a bit of a fashionista, and I have a repertoire of wonderful experiences I love telling my students of Italian. Nothing worth anything comes easy, but considering how incredible Milan was, my time there just might be the exception."
  • Cindy Columbus on the SITE Program: "I worked at a high school called Istituto Salvador Allende in Milan. My job was to encourage speaking as much as possible in the classroom with dialogues, debates, games, discussions, etc. I think the best lesson I did was one in which I brought in a bunch of clothing and had the students create and act out dialogues as if they were at a store shopping. Outside of the classroom, I found that one challenging aspect of participating in SITE was building up my social life. Starting off, the only person my age that I knew was the other American teaching assistant at my school and my only commitment was the 12 hours of teaching required each week by the program. Some of the things that I did to change this were: 1) Joining a local gym. 2) Seeking out opportunities for giving private lessons. 3) Contacting and meeting up with other SITE assistants placed in Milan. 4) Looking for and attending events to meet locals. (Every Thursday, I went to a popular English-speaking happy hour at a bar and always met lots of Italians there.) There are plenty of ways to build a community in the city you're placed in. You just have to put in the effort! Overall, I really enjoyed my year in Milan and would be happy to answer any questions people have about my experience." 
  • Matthew Reichwein on study abroad: "Il mio tempo in Sorrento, Italia è stato meraviglioso (2018) – le classi, i viaggi dappertutto, e le interazioni con tutti gli italiani, particolarmente la famiglia con cui vivevo e i parenti che ho incontrato in Calabria! Non vedo l’ora di tornare in Italia. Il video vi dà tutti i highlights del mio tempo, ma spero di raccontarvi tutto in più dettagli quando ritornerò nell’autunno." Video



Contact Us

Transnational Italian Studies Department

Old Library 103
Bryn Mawr College
101 N. Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899
Phone: 610-526-5198
Fax: 610-526-7479

Roberta Ricci, Chair
Phone: 610-526-5048

Leslie Diarra, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone: (610) 526-5198