Senior Theses
This is a list of senior theses; earlier years are, unfortunately, incomplete. If you find an inconsistency or would like to add an entry, please contact us.
Senior Theses Through the Years
- Annalise Ashman, “Shake, Tag, Flee: An Investigation into Graffiti Art’s Evolution in the ‘Mural Capital of the World’”
- Felix Townley Bakewell, “Dionysus Transformed: Dionysian Mythology on Late Antique Egyptian Textiles”
- Ava Cappitelli, “A Bedroom & Brush of Her Own: Reappraising Femininity in Elizabeth Okie Paxton’s Domestic Interiors”
- Laura Chung, “Seeing Double: Identity Fragmentation through Double Self-Portrait Photography”
- Cole Hannah, “Afrosurreal: Behold the Invisible Worlds of Ringgold and Kentridge”
- Maya Johnson-Fraidin, “The Witch as a Mirror: Dürer and Grien’s Demonization of the Female Body”
- Teri Ke, “From the New Flesh to Spam: The Crisis and Ethics of Embodied Subjectivity in David Cronenberg’s Videodrome (1983)”
- Chloé Rimmerman, “Double Exposure: Finding Subjectivity in the (Dis)embodiment of Lee Miller (1907-1977)”
- Michaela Spurr, “Andy Warhol: Disrupting the Simulacrum”
- AJ Rose Wallihan, “Krishna & Company: Re-centering India in the World of Botanical Company Painting”
- Stephanie Wang, “Spectral Landscapes: The Aesthetics of Haunting in Postwar Japanese Photography”
- Liz Burke, “Emotional and Political Transformation in Crystal Pite’s The Statement”
- Gisella De La Portilla, “Continuity and Change: The Multidimensionality of Amate Paper in Alfonso García Tellez’s Contemporary Otomí Codex”
- Hilda Delgado, “Porcelain, Pottery, and Protest: Roberto Lugo’s Trans-temporal Visions of Art and Activism for the 21st Century”
- Olivia Harkins-Finn, “Architectural Entanglement: Bryn Mawr’s Merion Hall as an Embodiment of the Quaker Influence on Women’s College Dormitories”
- Janice Li, “Text as Medium in Xu Bing’s The Suzhou Landscripts”
- Frances Millar, “Suspending the Shroud: Ebony G. Patterson’s Material Spaces of Remembrance”
- Rhian Muschett, “Fault Lines: Mapping Bodies and Space in Christopher Cozier’s Turbulence”
- Ryan Quenemon, “The Augmented Self at the Disintegrating Boundaries between Virtual and Physical Worlds in Peter Burr’s Arcology”
- Yi Ren, “Transcending Time and Space: An Examination of Song Dong and Cai Guoqiang’s Work in the Context of Chinese Funeral Rituals and the Practices of Zhizha”
- Christina Altman, “The Empathetic Body: A Phenomenological Exploration of Immersive Virtual Reality”
- Linda (Yilin) Chen, “Subverting the Unstaged Authenticity,… Akerman D’Est: aubord de la fiction”
- Siwei He, “Comfort Women Portrait: Desexualizing Sexual Violence Victim and Remembering our ‘Grandma’s’”
- Zi Li, “Control and Constraint: The Seventeenth-Century Dutch Dollhouses and Women’s Fantasy”
- Yilian Lu, “Reconsidering the Aesthetic Standard of Kesi Tapestry Painting: Weaving Under the Patronage of Men in the Southern Song”
- Sofia Isabel Mondragon, “Hito Steyerl and the Museum”
- Maggie (Margaret) Parham, “Reclamation and Revelation: Photography and its Relation to White Supremacy and Black Personhood”
- Esme Read, “Embroidery as an Essential: Uncovering Nuance in Women’s Work of Nineteenth-Century France”
- Annabelle Renshaw, “The Queer In-Between: Androgyny in the Art of Simeon Solomon”
- Lucia (Xun) Wang, “More than a Man-Eater: The Tiger Representation in Fritz Lang’s The India Epic”
- Shelley (Xiaoyi) Zhu, “Preserving Melancholia: The Meditation of Abject Bodies”
- Rachel Adler, “Hegemonies of Sound and d/Deaf Perspectives in Christine Sun Kim’s Sound Art Installations and Performances”
- Kirsten Bernhardt, “Transforming Tradition: Exploring the Bounds of National Identity in Contemporary Korean Ceramic Art”
- Elise Black, “A Woman of the Orient: Salomé in Nineteenth-Century France”
- Maeve Donnelly, “The Portrait of an “Ideal France”: Edgar Degas, Anti-Semitism, and the Dreyfus Affair”
- Rachel Grand, “Modernity and Masculinity: Grappling with Depictions of Jewish Men in the fin-de-siècle Portraits of Isidor Kaufmann”
- Yupeng Wu, “The Materiality of Memory: Urban Demolition and Its Aftermath in Yin Xiuzhen’s Transformation (Bianxing 變形), 1997”
- Beck Morawski, “A Saturated Campus: Assessing Bryn Mawr College’s Self Promotion and the Embodied Experience in Dormitories, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and Beyond”
- JiaJing Ding, “The New Woman Artist of The Weimar Republic: An Investigation of Lotte Laserstein’s Identity Through Her Self-Portraiture”
- Gracia Zhao, “Painting and Embroidery as One: A Case Study of Gu Family Embroidery Through Han Ximeng's Masterpieces of the Song and Yuan Dynasties and Fish and Flowers Albums”
- Ceara Buzzell, “Reinventing the Wheel: Optical Science and Color Theory in the Experimental Paintings of František Kupka”
- Hanjun Huang, “Living in the Past, Present, and Future: The Imaginative and Imaginary Estate Construction in Wen Zhengming’s Living Aloft”
- Alyssa Kerper, “Imagining Africa: Négritude and Primitivism in Corps perdu”
- Rachel Kline, “When All the Graves Were Full”: Anthropological Confrontations at The Triumph of Death of Pisa”
- Claire Knight, “Embodying the Garden: Cultivating Identity in the Elizabethan Court through the Ornament of Smell in the 16th-17th Centuries”
- Sophie Loring, “Sublimity, Industry, and Indigeneity: An Ecocritical Examination of Frederic Church’s Plein Air Oil Sketches”
- Cecilia Moure, “The ‘Triumph’ of Good Design and the ‘Modern’ Style: A Re-Defining of MoMA’s Good Design Program”
- Deeya Parikh, “Blurred Lines: Partition Historiography and the Art of Zarina Hashmi”
- MacK Somers, “A Thousand Eyes Open: Agnes Denes and Systems Theory”
- Naomi Stock, “Revitalizing Space and Curating Culture: The Effects of Site-Specific Art on Naoshima Island and its Community”
- Maya Stucky, “Authority, Trauma and Lebanese Memory Culture in Walid Raad’s Atlas Group”
- Jennifer Tham, “Painting Beatrice: Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s Ideal Representations of Women Through the Lens of his Imagination”
- Aria Diao, “Glorifying the Tokugawa Japan: Kanō Tan’yū’s Synthetic View of Mount Fuji and the Chinese Landscape”
- Emily Dombrovskaya, “The Nation's Youth: Sovietization of Uzbek Life in the Photographs of Max Penson”
- Phoebe Dopulous, “That Agony is Our Triumph! Ben Shahn’s Revisitations of The Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti”
- Jialu Guo, “Protective Frame: The Boundaries and Space Construction in the Western Han: A Preliminary Study with the Case of Liu Fei’s Tomb”
- Ashley Guzman, “Digital Editing, Narrative Construction and the Filter: How History in RGB Creates Space for Dynamic Frameworks”
- Elana Kates, “German Aesthetics: Michel Majerus’ Expressions of National Identity in the Age of the Internet”
- Zhaohong Liu, “The Hybrid Identity of Qing Dynasty Chinese Court Art: A Case Study of Beauties in the Shade of Phoenix Trees Screen”
- Abigail Lua, “Woven Layers of Philippine History: Weaving, Wearing, and Exhibiting Nineteenth-Century Piña Textiles”
- Nana Nieto, “Collecting & Exhibiting Mount Pleasant: Period Room Displays in Historic House Interiors at The Philadelphia Museum of Art”
- Danielle Pidgeon,”’Help Me God’: History and Identity Embodied in the Fourteenth-Century Ring of Venetian Proveditor Zeno Donati”
- Anya Prussin, “Silence and Noise: Tracing the Visual and Didactic Importance of “The Scream” in 17thCentury Netherlandish Depictions of Susanna and the Elders”
- Melinda Rother, “’Oh, He’s Playing with the Medium’”: Andy Kaufman’s Performance and the Destabilization of Televised Myth”
- Minyue Ruan, “Redefining Mitchell’s Paintings: A complex embodiment of masculinity and femininity”
- Talia Shiroma, “Making Material Matter: Cotton in Manet’s Olympia (1863)”
- Kaying Wang, “A Quest for the Permanence: The Different Presentations of Time in Feng Zikai’s Cartoons During the Second Sino-Japanese War”
- Yiran Zhao, “Propagandizing Shenzhen as a Political Legacy: A Study of the Lighting Project in the Central Area of Futian District”
- Zichu Zhao, “Paolo Sorrentino and 'The Young Pope'”
- Alexa Chabora, “But What Happens Next? Narrative Ambiguity and the Cinematic in Jeff Wall’s An Eviction”
- Mackenzie Crean, "Antagonizing Fit: Empathy and Appropriation as Viewers Experiencing Inclusion and Exclusion, Migration and Refuge in Relational Art"
- Isabella Falla: “Recognizing the Interplay between History Painting and the Mexican Print Tradition in Pieter Bruegel’s and Artemio Rodriguez’s The Triumph of Death”
- Ye Diana Feng, "Embroidered Curtain: Approaching Reality through Farewell My Concubine (1993)"
- Tessa Bachi Haas, “Unbelievable? Tracing Colonial Systems of Power from Cabinets of Curiosity through Damien Hirst”
- Elinor Haney, “The (Club) Kids are All Right: Self-Styling and Affective Production in the 90’s Nightclub”
- Julius Honey, “Labor of Love: Performance and Artistry in Telling Black Visual Histories, Sarah/Sartjee, Saartjee/ Saat-je/ Saartji Baartman and Suzan-Lori Parks’ Venus”
- Cassandra Paul, "The Light of Knowledge: Bryn Mawr College Lantern Traditions as (Re) Enforcement of Community Identity"
- Olivia Porte, “Getting (Un)Dressed with the ‘Nuwaubian, Black, Cunt Queen’ that is and is not Juliana Huxtable”
- Poppy Pu, “An Ordinary Person in an Imaginary Land: Picturing Immigration and Transformation in Shaun Tan’s The Arrival”
- Zanira Sandhu, “The Materialities, Geometries and Philosophies of Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Louis I. Kahn’s Capitol Complex at Dhaka: Built Environment is the Language of the American Colonial Empire”
- Esme Trontz, “The Multiplicity of Spatial Experience: An Art Historical Analysis of a Monument to Refugees”
- Cassie Wang, “Paris the Prism: Illumination in the City of Light”
- Zhongying Yan, “Transcending Life and Death: The Magical Self-Portrait in The Poeny Pavilion”
- Wen Yao, "Reacquainting Ria Munk Through Her Three Posthumous Paintings"
- Xiaoya Yue, “The Language of Fans: Fluidity, Transition, and Performativity in Paintings by Edgar Degas, Mary Cassatt and Édouard Manet”
- Zixin Zeng, “The Pilgrimage on the Way: Xuanzang’s Portraits and the Rise of Chinese Portraiture in Medieval China”
- Lily Elisabeth Zogbaum, “Klimt’s Golden Cells The Interplay between Science and Art in Nineteenth-Century Vienna”
- Emma Cohen, "Common Spaces in Ann Hamilton's habitus"
- Lizhu Duanmu,"Mirror or Mask?: Pan Yuliang’s Self-portraits and Female Nudes"
- Margaret Hurley, "Fantasy and Transformation: The Value of Cookbooks Hidden in Aesthetics"
- Courtney Lau, "Waiting for Thunderbird Immolation"
- Madeleine Mark, "Pillars of Papal Persuasion: The Appropriation of the Vatican and Lateran Obelisks in Pope Sixtus V’s Rome"
- Sophie Mongoven, "Small Wonders: Domesticity and Foreignness in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Dolls' Houses"
- Chau Nguyen, "Sky/Stars Allegories: Tower of God, Starry Night, and the South Korean Desire for a Transnational Utopia"
- Yunqiu Stephanie Ni, "The Image of Mao in Chinese Propaganda Posters: From the Early Years of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution"
- Deirdre Quinn, "Greer Lankton and the Medicalization of Gender Transgression"
- Maria Shellman, "Connoisseurship and Art Fraud: Examining Intentional Displays of Forgeries"
- Alex Wilson, "Creating Color: Racial Formation and the Duality of Portraiture in 1900"
- Pia Wong, "The Ajanta Caves: Visions of Luxury in a Monastic Setting"
- Yue Xiu, "Visualizing the History: Reading Artistic Representations in the ‘Revolutionary Pictorial Broadside’"
- Kate Beschen, "Photorealism as a Masquerade: Painting in the Age of the Photograph"
- Caroline Cassidy, "Museums with Momentum: The Dancer's Body at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and The Barnes Foundation"
- Pia Chakraverti-Wuerthwein, "Reading as Resistance: 'Contraproyecto' by Carla Grandi and 'La Nueva Novela' by Juan Luis Martínez as Works of Conceptual Art Against the Chilean Dictatorship"
- Claudia Delaplace, "Myrna Báez: Puerto Rican Identity, Landscape, and the Female Nude"
- Zhujun BamBoo Ding, "Collective Western Fantasies of Chinese Culture & Yves Saint-Laurent’s Chinoiserie"
- Elisabeth Hawthorne, "Our El Grecos: The Legacy of a Complex Historiography in Current El Greco Scholarship"
- Dylan Kahn, "Constructing a New Woman for the Twentieth Century: Transgressing Gender Divisions in John Singer Sargent's 'Miss M. Carey Thomas'"
- Jillian Moroney, "Vincent Price and Sears: The Act of Marketing Art"
- Sara Symozcko, "Love & [Blood] Money: The Function of Commodity and Domestic Space in HBO's 'The Sopranos'"
- Alex Adams, "Free of Your Own History": Constructing Anthony Harvey's Dutchman as Slave Narrative
- Kristen Andersen, "The Complicated Truth of Yinka Shonibare's The Scramble for Africa"
- Tianmin Chen, "The Social Life of Empress Wu's Calligraphy"
- Christine Dickerson, "Transforming the Hard-Boiled Detective Genre: An Analysis of Chinatown in Relation to Vertigo and Volver"
- Micah Dornfeld, "Awa Tsireh's "Costume Dancer Series": Resistance and Identity in Pueblo Painting"
- Sarah Ferrieri, "Depictions of Early Colonial Medical Care in Central Mexican Codices, 1500-1600"
- Gabrielle Fiorillo, "Separation and Stillness: A Reflection on Tacita Dean's Film Installation Merce Cunningham Performs STILLNESS (in Three Movements) to John Cage's Composition 4'33"
- Ariane Giles, "Hidden Histories: Reconstructing Legitimacy in African American Visual Culture"
- Lili Hutchnison, "Finding "Englishness" in William Kent's Rousham"
- Elsa Liao,"Turner Mixing Genres in Aeneas Paintings"
- Jenna McKinley, "Fashion Forward: Clothing and Controversy in Madame X"
- Leigh Peterson, "Appropriation, Identity, and Universal Power: The Art of King Roger II of Sicily, 1130-1150"
- Abby Placik, "Les Deux Amis Lyonnais: Association and Local Identity in Paintings of Pierre Révoil and Fleury Richard"
- Jennifer Rabowsky, "Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec's Jane Avril: A Performance of Hysteria"
- Pailyn (Nina) Singhapakdi, "The Visual Objectification of Eve in the Venetian Renaissance"
- Ellie Stewart, "The Ancient Narrative of a New Nation: Rome’s Cultural Patrimony as Italy’s Legacy"
- Yifei Wu, "The Dots and the Mountains: An Analysis of Roy Lichtenstein's Landscape of the Chinese Style"
- Joana Yasui, "A Bit Like You and Me": The Creation and Reception of Yoshitomo Nara's Depictions of Youth in Post-Disaster Japan
- Camilla Aguais, "Structure, Form, and Meaning in Pre-Inca Peruvian Textiles: Gauzes of the Chancay"
- Isabel Andrews, "The Living Discourse of Quilting: Practice, Social History, and Exhibition"
- Ingrid Asplund, "A Loop after Loop: Olek and Yarn in the Streets"
- Wendy Chen, "Iterations of the Void"
- Allie Eisenberg, "Humanist Aesthetics and Politics of the Body in the Late Films of Pier Paolo Pasolini"
- Michael Ferrara, "Chris Ware's Building Stories"
- Emiliee Finkelstein, "Mourning, Meloncholia, and the Palast der Republik"
- Ivy Gray-Klein, "Alternative Histories: Temporality, Diaspora, and Reclamation in the Brooklyn Museum's Period Rooms"
- Emma Gulley, "Resurrecting the Midwife: Re-examining 15th Century Birth of the Virgin Scenes"
- Xingzhe He, "A Contemporary Portrait: Buying Everything on You and Love Stories"
- Micaela Houtkin, "Vincent Van Gogh's Treatment of the Night Sky with a Concentration on Art as Consolation"
- Megha Joshi, "National Identity in the Popular Culture of India"
- Allie Kandel, "Home is Where the Heart Is: An Exploration of the Role of the Home"
- Joanna Kessler, "Examining and Contextualizing Monica Sjoo"
- Allie Levitan, "Creating Community through Visual Imagery: Photography and Public Art"
- Egina Manachova, "The Conditions of Violence and the Role of Imagination in Joshua Oppenheimer's The Act of Killing"
- Deborah Matus, "Compartmentalization of Loss: Jasper Johns as Precursor to Robert Gober"
- Alexis Miller, "Edgar Degas: Self-Representation in/as Other"
- Euna Park, "Why Does the Gardener Heist Matter?"
- Samone Rowe, "The Architectural Mirror and Romanita: Agents of Identity in Rome"
- Anni Turkel, "Papoose: A Work of Conceptual Dance by Jill Sigman"
- Christine Villanueva, "Bent Out of Shape: Exploring Gumby in Raymond Pettibon's Drawings"
- Grace Yue Xie, "Painting Neighborhood in Self-Exile"
- Qianni Zhu, "Les Fleurs du Mal? Odilon Redon's Pursuit of Happiness through Embracing the Exteriority"
- Kyle Aguilar, "Theatrical Femininities: Mary Robinson on the Stage of British Portraiture"
- Emily Bartell, "Portraiture and Identity in the Age of Social Media: Ray Beldner's 101 Facebook Friends"
- Sitara Chowfla, "Action is the Antidote to Despair: Candy Chang and the Activation of Urban Communities through Participation"
- Athena Christie, "Striking Encounters: Visual Violence in the Religious Artwork of the Spanish Golden Age"
- Alexandra Colon, "The Aesthetics of Remembrance: Film Form and Memory Work in Los Rubios and El Edificio de los Chilenos"
- Gracie Copplestone, "Curating an Experience: John Dewey, Albert Barnes, and the Barnes Foundation"
- Xin Du, "Beyond Connoisseurship and Forgery: Contextualizing Riverbank in the Biography of Zhang Daqian"
- Adriana Grossman, "Analogous Constructs: From Beethoven's Ninth to Klimt's Frieze"
- Young-In Karen Han, "The Double Life of Tintin"
- Sarah Henkind, "The Value of Forgery: A Study on Art Forgery and the Case of Han van Meegeren"
- Alida Jekabson, "Representing Constructive Universalism: Joaquin Torres-García and the United States Museums"
- Nicole Johnson, "All Dressed Up in Nostalgia: The Dichotomy of an Ironic Spanish National Identity as Told though the Use of the Flamenco Dress"
- Rachel Kobasa, "You Can't Hang This on a Wall: Project Row Houses and the Art of Cultivating Creativity"
- Hyoungee Kong, "Unfulfilled Pygmalion: Edouard Manet's Portraits of Berthe Morisot from 1868 to 1874"
- Veronica Maldonado, "Rei Kawakubo and Comme des Garҫons: A New Feminity"
- Valerie Smosna, "Cleansing Utopia, Staining Utopia: Monika Sosnowska's A Dirty Fountain in Zamość, Poland"
- Julia Stuart, "Forging Identity in Contemporary Iran: Shadi Ghadirian's Representations of Women in the United Qajar Series"
- Alexa Valenstein, "The Unorthodox Couturier: Elsa Schiaparelli and Surrealism"
- Alison Whitney, "Gustav Klimt's Artistic Rebellion: Danaë and the Golden Tradition"
- Michelle Wilson, "Damaged by Desire, Blood, Sex, and Celebrity of Tyler Shields' Lindsay Lohan Series"
- Franklyn Cantor, "Modernity in the Metropolis: Portrayals of Symbolic Structures in New York City and Paris"
- Isabel Donlon, "Negotiating the Self in the Portraiture of Jamel Shabazz and Kehinde Wiley"
- Sarah Gzesh, "Art as Activism: The Wall, Calligraffiti, and Al-Shawa"
- Jillian Johnson, "Without a Shadow of Doubt: Andy Warhol's Use of Shadows in His Late Work"
- Natalie Muniz, "The Rise & Decline of the New Woman in Weimar Cinema: Tracing Female Sexuality and Patriarchal Order in 'Pandora's Box' and 'Mӓdchen in Uniform'"
- Maggie Murphy, "'Identities in Stone': The Rejuvenation Projects of the Dawoodi Bohras and Their Quest for Community"
- Thea Rockwell, "Lithographic Interiority: Reading Odilon Redon with Walter Benjamin"
- Julia Ryan, "Dans Le Rêve: Odilon Redon's Childhood Inspiration and Artistic Compensation"
- Lily Scott, "The Pictorial Idealization of the Virgin: A Psychoanalytical Interpretation of the Tympana Images at Chartres"
- Michelle Smiley, "A Portrait of Loss: Photo-Objects of the American Civil War"
- Julia Vasko, "The Feeling of Blindness: Repairing the Broken Narrative in Sensuously Rich Transnational Adoptee Videos"
- Lee Wacker, "The Sacred and the Secular: Medieval Misericord Carvings as Seen by Monks at the Exeter Cathedral in the Thirteenth Century"
- Stephanie Webster, "Historic Preservation at Old Salem Museums and Gardens: Crafting an American History with German Moravian Architecture"
- Kim Wegel, "Performing the Victim, Performing the Perpetrator: Immortality and Inheritance in Joseph Beuys's 'How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare'"
- Jessica Cosmas, "Fritz Scholder and Native American Art"
- Audra Fanon, "Sixteenth-Century Interventions in Islamic Architecture, Aggression, and Identity Formation in Southern Spain"
- Sarah Gelfand, "Portrait of the Artist: Painting Mary Cassatt"
- Kristen Grubbs, "Deconstructing Masculinity: Violence in the Boxing Film"
- Colleen Haley, "Vargas and the Pin-up Girl in Esquire Magazine in World War II"
- Elizabeth Harnett, "Space in the Films of Alfred Hitchcock"
- Katelyn Kazan, "Spirituality in the Art of Jackson Pollock's Spring Period"
- Amanda King, "Act Da Fool: Redefining Contemporary Spectatorship"
- Velislava Kirilova, "The Philadelphia Mural Arts Program as Social Progress"
- Ally Mintz, "Transnational Artists from North Africa and the Middle East"
- Anna O'Neill, "Touch and Tactility in the Work of Meret Oppenheim, Eva Hesse, and Rachel Whiteread"
- Raisha Park, "Redirected Fates: Houses as Museums"
- Emily Rose, "Images of Death in France During the Black Death"
- Larissa Rubic, "Spirituality Through Form: Le Corbusier's Chapel at Ronchamp and Monastery of La Tourette"
- Kathleen Scalera, "Japonisme Embodied: The Cultural Authentication of Japanese Motifs in the Design of the House of Worth"
- Taylor Stacey, "Depictions of Race in Robert Frank's Photobook The Americans"
- Darren White, "Fashioning the New Bourgeoisie"
- Caroline Connelly, “Gunta Stölzl: Artist within a Context”
- Michelle Crepeau, "Caspar David Friedrich and the Wandering Ruins: Geology, Philosophy, and Entropy in the Art of 19th-Century German Romanticism"
- Christina Frithsen, “Silencing the Deaf: The Film Industry’s Practice of Assimilation through Speech”
- Hadley Garrettson, “The Architecture of Fashion”
- Rachel Goddard, "Signed in Blood: The Legacy of Gran Fury's Posters in the Red Ribbon"
- Arielle Hansen, “The Interplay between Patronage, Politics, and Portraiture: King Philip IV, Velazquez and Rubens”
- Sam Kaplan: “In the Realm of ‘Feathers and Fur’”
- Jessamine Kelley, “Create, Destroy, Liberate: Blu’s Muto Animates Public Walls”
- Christine K. Lee, “Erotic Desire and Fantasy: the Development of Hentai Manga”
- Rachel Lieberman, “Context, Conservation, Complexity: Andean Textiles in American Museums”
- Clare Mallett, “Three Ways of Looking at Martha Rosler's Bringing the War Home: House Beautiful”
- Elise Marraro, “Dual Intentions: Mind-Body Connections in Images of the Virgin Mary”
- Sarah Mitchell, "Clipped, Filed, Pasted, and Traced: Henry Darger and His Practices of Collecting"
- Lauren Montgomery: “It Hurts So Good: Sadomasochism and the Psychological Thriller”
- Nathalie Schallock, “Marketer Murakami. Building the Ultimate ‘Art’ Brand”
- Janet Yoon (HC), “A Portable Home: A Study of Do-Ho Suh's Seoul Home and 348 West 22nd St.”
- Catherine Bloxsom: "Re-Reading Lee Krasner Through Biography"
- Jenny Castle: "Understanding the Self in Video Art"
- Bree Effron: "Black Photography During Apartheid South Africa from Photograph to Photographer"
- Lauren Eisenbrey: "Coming Apart: Cindy Sherman's Photographic Account of the Effect of the Male Gaze on Women"
- Pinky Lark Farnum: "Voyeurism Exposed: Helmut Newton's Manipulation of the Female Viewer Through His Fashion Photography"
- Lavanya Jayakar: "Crusading Citizen Joan of Arc and Female Citizenship in Edwardian England and Vichy France"
- Eurie Kim: "Poof: The Reality of American Beauty"
- Gabriela Kogut: "Trap for a Communion: The Double Consecration of the Artist and the Body in Michel Journiac's Messe Pour Un Corps (1969)"
- Francesca Marangell: "Representations of Medieval Childbirth: Portrayal of a Gendered Space"
- Sarah Meller: "Unearthing the Soil and Herself: Re-Uniting Ecofeminism and the Siluetas of Ana Mendieta"
- Kate Michelson: "The Crinoline in Nineteenth Century Satirical Cartoons: Its Meanings and Connotations"
- Sarah Placke: "Seeing is Believing: The Function of Medieval Head Reliquaries and the Power of Sight"
- Aheli Purkayastha: "Replacing Memories: Dorothea Lange and the Censored Images"
- Rachel Townsend: "Gender Confounded: Cross-Dressing in Film Adaptations of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night"
- Arianae Tsavaris: "Venetian Courtesans Dressing in the Costume of Nymphs"
- Virginia Jane Tseng: "Hello, My Name is Mr."
- Hadass Blank: "In the Lapidus of Luxury: Morris Lapidus and the Architecture of Leisure"
- Claire Brandon: "Sophie Calle's Prenez Soin de Vous"
- Jennifer Brindisi: "John Cage, Robert Rauschenberg, and the Aesthetics of Silence"
- Bianca Bromberger: "The Experiential Subline: Perception, Conception, and Emotion in Mark Rothko's Classic Color Field Paintings"
- Jia Jia Fei: "Jeff Koons: Death of the Artist"
- Brittany Golden: "An Examination of Late Pre-Reformation Devotion Through a Pair of Miniatures in a Book of Hours at the Free Library"
- Tania Greenwald: "Without Location, Carsten Höller's Test Site"
- Luba Nisenbaum: "David Goldblatt: Censorship and the Photograph in Apartheid South Africa"
- Moriah Scott: "A New View of a New World: How Frans Post Brought Reality to Tropical America"
- Lucie Steinberg: "Fred Wilson's Mining the Museum"
- Tania Apicella: "Rudimentary Tools: How Silhouettes and Shadows Combine to Depict Race and Sexuality in Kara Walker's Projector Works"
- William Coleman: "An Independent, Self-Sufficient Man: Edward Redfield and the Monhegan Island Art Colony"
- Emily Katharine Donati: "Richard Serra's Torqued Ellipses As Influenced by Japanese Zen Gardens"
- Alexis Gorby: "Symbols of the Afterlife in the Jewish Catacombs of Beit She'arim and Rome: A Defense of Erwin Goodenough"
- Nadine Exie Huntington: "Home Front Heroines: The Parallel Emancipation of Women and Slaves in Twentieth Century Films of the American Civil War"
- Hayley Patricia Kucich: "Redefining and Revitalizing Public Spaces through Temporary Public Art"
- Amy Malleck: "Constantine's Marble Colossus: Historiography of Style"
- Denise Kalolaina Marica: "Private Images, Public Statements: Madame de Pompadour and the Court of Versailles"
- Amy Elaine Martin: "Towards A Feminist Gaze: Interpreting the Male Nudes of Sylvia Sleigh"
- Indira Neill: "Now I Know You: Surveillance, Identity, and Motive in Alfred Hitchcock's Rope and Tom Kalin's Swoon"
- Mark Ram: "Reflections on LastNightsParty: A Hope? for the Future"
- Claire H Reyner: "Gloire as Translated Through Spectacle: the Axe Historique from Absolutism to Empire"
- Sonya Safro: "Sergei Eisenstein and Dziga Vertov: Men with Movie Cameras and the Battle Between the Old and the New"
- Victoria Salinger: "The Pont Neuf Wrapped: Framing the Bridge, Bridging the Frame"
- Rosalyn Dolores Schorr: "A Study of the Birth of the American Collegiate Gothic Style"
- Amanda Young: "(Re)Constructing the Artist: Modes of Self-Insertion in the Art of Steen and Vermeer"
- Chloe Barnett: "Encountering the Fool and Death in Northern Renaissance Artwork"
- Karl-Rainer Blumenthal: "Of Gods and Grizzlies: The Non-Aesthetic of Nature and the New Kinship of Werner Herzog and Caspar David Friedrich"
- Elizabeth Carter: "A Re-Evaluation of the Post-Resurrection Imagery of the Saint Albans Psalter: The Absence of the Noli me tangere"
- Elizabeth Catanese: "Undressing and Redressing Cindy Once Again, Once Again: An Analysis of the Productive Instability of Cindy Sherman's Artistic Work"
- Nadia Christidi: "Lovers in a Cemetery? The Architecture of Bernard Khoury"
- Emma Chubb: "'Hey, you there! Welcome to the Struggle': Adrian Piper Locates the Other Within"
- Kristin Fallica: "Archival Allegories: Critical Histories in the Films of Gianikian and Ricci Lucchi"
- Nicole M. Huynh: "Dinh Doc Lap: A Vietnamese Cultural Monument"
- Kate Phillips: "Carleton Watkins's Yosemite Valley from the Best General View: Commodity and Universality in an Ocular Age"
- D. Jacob Rabinowitz: "Fury and Formalism: Turner's Awful Sublime"
- Rachel Redington: "The Presumption of Mary: Mimesis of the Dormition of the Virgin through Repentinos de Monjas, Funerary Portraiture of the Criollo Women of the Convent"
- Zahra Reynolds: "Portraits Beneath the Veil: Concealing and Revealing in Shirin Neshat's Women of Allah"
- Amelia Sanchez-Moran: "Philadelphia's Duchamp Effect: Duchamp, the Arensberg Collection, and the Philadelphia Museum of Art"
- Diane Scarpa: "Modernism is G-dliness, or Barnett Newman's Kabbalistic Process"
- Rebekah Schulz: "Red Light, Green Light: Vertigo's Influence on the Color, Mise-en-Scène, and Narrative of Wong Kar-wai's In the Mood for Love and 2046"
- Jessica Taylor: "The Curatorial Influence on Internet Art: The Commissioned Works of Mark Napier in 010101: Art in Technological Times and Data Dynamics"
- Nicole M. Wood: "Unifying the Republic or Restoring the Monarchy? Representations of Joan of Arc in the Third Republic"
- Andrea Betancourt: "The New MoMA: Designing the 20th Century Museum"
- Olivia Byron: "Fascist Italy's Cultural Program: Mario Sironi and the Problems of a Political Art"
- Elizabeth Damore: "Fashioning Exhibitions: Commerce, Culture and the Costume Institute"
- Abigail Fritz: "From the Margins to the Core: a critical examination of the place of art education in schools through the lens of Discipline-based Art Education"
- Joanna Fu: "A Justification for Fashion as a Fine Art"
- Zoe Irvine: "Painting the War: Picasso's Genre Works During the German Occupation of Paris"
- Emily F. Jensen: "The Wives of the Artists: O'Keeffe, Kahlo, Krasner, and the Role of the Artist/Wife in Historical Modernism"
- Sung Eun Jun: "Women's Power Dressing in Fashion: Synchronic View and Analysis of Presented Styles Today/Duality and Validity of Ideas: Gaze, Power, and Gender"
- Raakhee Bénu Lahiry: "Generational Conflicts in South Asian Film"
- Jessica Leger: "Sameness and Difference in Matthew Barney's The Cremaster Cycle"
- Cynthia Lugo: "Proof-Negative"
- Josephine Mayer: "Relinquishing the Search - A Discussion of Hieronymus Bosch's The Garden of Earthly Delights"
- Molly Mulflur: "Kirchner's Urban Dancers: Mass Ornament and Mass Audience"
- Brynne Norton: "Locating the Artist within the Environment: An Analysis of the Gendered Imagery in Andy Goldsworthy's Work"
- Phaedra Robledo: "Tamara's Gaze: A Postfeminist Critique of Lempicka's Women"
- Ana Ruediger: "Cinema and the City: Film Exhibition in Philadelphia"
- Veronika Trufanova: "Lautrec's Legacy: Manifestations of Deformity and Synecdochical Depictions of Legs"
- Devin Wachs: "'Absolute Pleasure' in The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Exhibitionism, Identification, and Authorship"
- Petra Williams-Lescht: "Sanctified Sexuality and Selective Censorship: Positioning Eroticized Images of the Magdalene within Counter-Reformation Theory and Practice"
- Elysha Carouge:
- Richard Gabriele: "The Barnes Foundation"
- Katherine Hoy:
- Alexandra Kaufmann: "Podestà Beware"
- Afshan Khan:
- Jillian Neustel: "Sinfest"
- Jennifer Prince:
- Stephanie Riley: "A Castile in Spain: Coca Castle as a Lens for Spanish History"
- Laura Rosenblum:
- Ramey Williams:
- Netta Borshansky: "Homecoming and Homemaking in Zionist Photography of 20th Century Palestine"
- Mahlone Burnette: "Fellini's Clowns"
- Margaret Erlich: "Greek Revival Architecture in America"
- IIlyssa Fisher: "Crucifixion and Passion Images in 13th- and 14thcentury Illuminated Manuscripts as Feminized Images"
- Nora Gully: "Prostitution, Portraiture, and Language: Godard's Representation of Women"
- Hala Hassoun: "Corsets - Vivienne Westwood and Jean Paul Gaultier"
- Jean Kim: "Temporality and Perspective in David Hockney's Photo Collages"
- Meredith Montague: "Southern Photography: Sally Mann and William Christenberry"
- Amy O'Connor:
- Larisa Reznich:
- Jessica Richter: "Three Painters on Film: Frida, Pollack, and Vincent and Theo"
- Liana Sterling: "Three video installations by Shirin Neshat"
- Michelle Strizever: "The Book as Colonial Body: Amoxtli, Codices, And the Codex Espangliensis"
- Lumi Tan: "Hans Bellmer"
- Annie Zipper: "Ad-Jamming: Advertising and the Logo"
- Sam Callard: "Clement Greenberg and Paul Tillich on Jackson Pollock: Religious resonance in abstract painting"
- Heidi Dolamore: "Preserving the Berlin Wall"
- Bey-Shan Chien: "Benozzo Gozzoli's Journey of the Magi: Who's Worshipping Whom?"
- E. Andrea Cornejo: "The Conquest of Architecture: Spain and Two Versions of Construction"
- Mallika Sager: "The Myth of the 'Indian Woman Artist': An Exploratory Journey Through the Canvases of Three Contemporary Women."
Corrine Oliver: "Mauerbach, the Third Reich, and the Art of Conquerors"
2024 Senior Toast!

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