Study Abroad
Learn about study abroad at institutions in Russian-speaking countries.
Students can study abroad at institutions in Russian-speaking countries through the College's cooperative agreement with American Councils (ACTR-ACCELS).

Study Abroad in Armenia, Estonia, Georgia, or Kazakhstan
Advanced Russian Language and Area Studies
One of the oldest and most respected overseas Russian immersion programs available to students today, the Advanced Russian Language & Areas Studies Program (RLASP) administered by the American Councils for International Education is designed to improve participants' oral, listening, reading, and writing proficiency in the Russian language and to develop their knowledge of Russian history, politics, culture, and society. Program features include homestays, weekly excursions, travel to other regions of the host country, conversation partners, and a wide range of opportunities to pursue hobbies and personal interests in a Russian context. Program locations include Almaty, Tallinn, Tbilisi, and Yerevan.
*Bryn Mawr College serves as the accrediting institution for these courses.

Study Abroad in Kyrgyzstan
Bard Bishkek, run through the American University Central Asia, in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
Students take 9 units of Russian language courses taught through Bard College, and choose an additional two academic subject courses of 6 units taught through the American University of Central Asia. Students can also take an optional phonetics course of 2 units. Students are registered for no less than 15 units and no more than 18 units. Students may not opt for any other form of registration without prior approval from the Bryn Mawr College Study Abroad Office and the Registrar.
The Russian Language Track is open to students with at least two years of college-level Russian. Students will use Russian in and out of the classroom, in home-stays, with student peers, and in daily life. With a rich history and culture of its own, a shared-Soviet experience and common customs and cultural traditions which transcend borders, Kyrgyzstan is a fascinating place to study Russian outside of the European context and experience post-Soviet society.

Contact Us
Department of Russian
Russian Center
Bryn Mawr College
101 N. Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 19010-2899
Phone: 610-526-5187