Results of Satisfactory Academic Progress Review

There are three possible outcomes to Committee review: a period of academic warning, major subject warning or a period of withdrawal from the College. The student is informed of the outcome of review in writing. It is the Customs of the College to also inform parent(s)/guardian(s) of these results.

Outcomes of the Committee’s Initial Review

A student who has not met the Standard of Work in the Major will be evaluated by their major department as well as by the Committee and will either be allowed to continue in the current major or be required to declare a new one.  In either situation, the student will be placed on Major Subject Warning for the following semester or, if the student is first placed on an Academic Leave (see below), for the semester of return.  Students clear Major Subject Warning by earning grades of 2.0 or above in all courses in their major subject.

A student who has not met other academic standards will be placed on Academic Warning for the following semester or, if the student is first placed on an Academic Leave (see below), for the semester of return.  Students clear Academic Warning by earning grades of 2.0 or above in all courses.

Students on Academic or Major Subject Warning work with their dean and their major advisors to design a structured plan and support system for the semester that may include close work with their dean, advisor, instructors, a counselor and/or another member of the faculty or staff such as the Academic Support and Learning Resources Specialist.  They may not enroll in more than 4.0 units nor take courses outside of Bryn Mawr and Haverford.  They are expected to limit nonacademic commitments so that they do not interfere with academic responsibilities and may participate in intercollegiate athletics only with the explicit permission of their dean, their coach, and the director of athletics.  The Dean’s Office may solicit periodic reports from instructors concerning their progress in an effort to make sure that any problems are identified early enough for students to get help.

When a student’s record raises concern about their ability to move forward at the College, the student will be placed on Academic Leave for a semester or a year to resolve the issues that are interfering with their success and, when appropriate, to complete coursework elsewhere. It is the custom of the College to also inform parent(s)/guardian(s) of these results.  The student must then demonstrate through the re-enrollment process that they have met any conditions that the Committee set for them and that they are ready to succeed upon return.  If approved, the student will re-enroll and embark upon a semester of Warning.

Rarely, the Committee will allow a student to study abroad during a semester of Warning.  In these situations, the student will continue the Warning status upon return to the College.

The Committee may review the record of a student whose coursework is recorded as “Incomplete” at the end of the semester.  If it appears likely that the student will not meet the Standard of Work once the Incomplete is replaced with a grade, the Committee may place that student on Warning.  The Warning is lifted if the student does meet the Standard of Work once the grade has been recorded.

Re-evaluation Following a Semester on Warning

At the end of each semester, the Committee re-evaluates the records of students who had been on Warning and notifies those whose warnings will be lifted. Those who have not met the standards set for them are placed on Academic Leave for a semester or a year to resolve the issues that are interfering with their success and, when appropriate, to complete coursework elsewhere. They must then demonstrate through the re-enrollment process that they have met any conditions that the Committee set for them and that they are ready to succeed upon return.  If approved, the student will re-enroll and embark upon a semester of Major Subject Probation or Academic Probation.  Students on Probation again work with their dean and other members of the faculty and staff to design a structured plan.  They are subject to the same restrictions as students on Warning.

A student may ask permission to begin a semester of Probation without first being placed on an Academic Leave by submitting a written Appeal as soon as final grades are posted.  Appeals must be received by January 8 or May 30.  If the Committee is persuaded that the student has presented a realistic plan for success with a second semester of support, the student will remain enrolled and embark immediately upon a semester of Probation.

Re-evaluation Following a Semester on Probation

The records of all students on Probation are evaluated again by the Committee on Academic Standing at the end of the semester.  Those who have met the standards that had been set for them will no longer be on probation.  Those who have not will be placed on Academic Leave.

Permanent Exclusion

Although very rare, Permanent Exclusion without the possibility of return to Bryn Mawr College has been established by the Faculty as the automatic result in the following very specific situations:

  • Students at the end of junior year who have grades below 2.0 in more than half of their courses.
  • Students at the end of junior year who are required to change their major and have no alternative major.

The Committee strives to minimize the number of students at risk of permanent exclusion.