Roberta Ricci

Professor and Chair of Transnational Italian Studies on the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Chair in the Humanities
Roberta Ricci headshot


Phone 610-526-5048
Location Old Library 134


Ph.D. in Italian Studies, Johns Hopkins University
Laurea in Philology and Variantistica summa cum laude, University of Pisa

Research Interests

Medieval and Renaissance Literature, Humanism, Classical Studies, Philology, Paleography, Byzantine Studies, History of Manuscripts, Ecdotics, Hodoeporics, Comparative Literature, Comparative Codicology, Reception Studies.


Current book project: The Pendulum of Identity: a Trans-historical Empire on transculturality that stems from migration of portabilia and memorabilia in early-modern Byzantine society and its extensions, both physical and imagined.

Forthcoming book: NeMLA Italian Studies Special Issue on Primo Levi, Fall 2024. ​​​​​​


Product of courses and Final projects

ITAL 320 Novel, History, and the Making of Italy: Alessandro Manzoni and the Romantic Movement (Spring 2024)

ITAL 201 Problematiche di oggi: conversare insieme (Spring 2024)

ITAL 303 Boccaccio, The Plague, and Epidemic Illness (Spring 2021)

ITAL 313 Primo Levi, the Writer (Spring 2022)

ITAL 325 Letteratura e cinema (Fall 2021)

ITAL 304 Italian Renaissance: Epic and Romance (Spring 2016)

  • A symposium on Florentine Humanist Poggio Bracciolini brought more than 60 guests to campus on April 8 and 9 2016, including Bryn Mawr College President Emeritus and Italian Renaissance Scholar Nancy Vickers. “The conference was excellent with many distinguished scholars presenting new contributions on Bracciolini, this extraordinary figure, and a wonderful way to show our strong intellectual tradition in the humanities here at Bryn Mawr College,” says symposium organizer Roberta Ricci. For further information about the event, please visit Symposium web page

ITAL B308 · Rome as Palimpsests: from Ruins to Virtual Reality Roaming Roma (lost&found): Final Symposium (Spring 2021, Giammei).

CSTS H222B · Creating Classics (Spring 2021, Giammei)

ITAL B315 · A Gendered History of the Avant-Garde (Spring 2019, Giammei)     

ITAL 400 Towards a History of Italian at Bryn Mawr (Spring 2021, Giammei)

Video: Towards a History of Italian at Bryn Mawr