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Hear from Alice Lesnick about Global Bryn Mawr
"I think of education as a process of becoming increasingly less isolated — by your own background, experiences, and biases — and becoming more capable of connection."
Read the complete interview with Alice here.
Endorsements for Cook-Sather and Wilson's book
What happens in the brave spaces of pedagogical partnership? This collection includes ten chapters in which faculty-student teams, tell their own stories of partnership in various contexts in Aotearoa New Zealand, Canada, England, Hong Kong, Israel, Malaysia, Pakistan, and regions of the United States. Each story reveals how the brave spaces of student-faculty partnership foster mindsets and practices that support co-creation of learning and teaching experiences that strive to be equitable, engaging, and empowering.
“This volume makes a vital contribution to the literature on student-faculty partnership ...The student and faculty contributors write with honesty and insight, clearly reflecting the courage, confidence, and capacity highlighted by Cook-Sather and Wilson in their framing chapters, and sharing experiences and advice that will be of interest to new and experienced partnership practitioners alike.”—Elizabeth Marquis, McMaster University
“The book highlights the powerful transformations that are possible when students and faculty are open to the unfamiliar, and approach learning and teaching as a shared endeavor.”—Catherine Bovill, the University of Edinburgh
Alice Lesnick's "Talk of Trees" with Translation by Mia Tran
Read the recently published "Talk of Trees" poem, written by Alice Lesnick in English and translated by Mia Tran to Tiếng Việt on the Bryn Mawr in Translation website.

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Bryn Mawr/Haverford Education Program
Bryn Mawr College
101 N. Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899
Phone: 610-526-5010
Haverford College
Founders 028
370 Lancaster Avenue
Haverford, PA 19041-1392